Для версий 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.8.0:
СКАЧАТЬ на версию 1.0.0+
С модом для Bannerlord «Distinguished Service», случайным образом после битвы (с вероятностью, заданной в файле config.xml), солдат из вашего отряда получит возможность быть повышенным до компаньона, если он достаточно высокого уровня (также заданного в файле xml).Такие спутники по своим особенностям ничем не отличаются от стандартных, получают некоторые рандомные бонусы, а также очки атрибутов и фокуса, которые вы сможете прокачать по своему усмотрению.
Файл настроек (Settings.xml) имеет следующие параметры:
- NAMES_FROM_EXTERNAL_FILE, whether to use the external namelist file to generate companion names! This file can be edited on-the-fly, as it's only accessed briefly upon promotion. It also will delete names that have been selected, so keep a backup!
- tier_threshold, the minimum tier of unit eligible to become a hero. Set to -1 to only allow units with no further upgrades to be nominated.
- base_additional_skill_points, the primary skill point bonus value to manually assign to newly-created companion skills.
- leadership_points_per_50_extra_skill_points, how many points of the player's leadership skill translates to 50 additional assignable skill points for the new hero.
- lethality_chance, is the chance of a companion (only a player companion, not lords, or anybody else) being killed when reduced to zero HP during a battle. If you're using the Heroes Must Die mod, set this value to zero (or negative), because any interaction between these mods is undefined behaviour.
- inf_kill_threshold, the infantry-specific kill threshold to be nominated.
- cav_kill_threshold, the cavalry-specific kill threshold to be nominated.
- ran_kill_threshold, the archer-specific... You get the idea.
- medicine_death_chance_reduction, the reduction in lethality_chance for each 10 skill points in medicine.
- max_nominations, the maximum number of nominees you are allowed to pick at the end of a battle.
- upgrade_to_hero, changes nomination functionality so that when a unit is upgraded to tier_threshold they automatically become a hero. Pairs best with high tier_threshold, and high lethality
- fill_in_perks, sets new hero perks to be automatically filled in on uplift, saving you time.
- respect_companion_limit, whether or not to take the game's companion limit into consideration for troop nominations.
- bonus_companion_slots_base, the base number of extra companion slots to add, if you're respecting the companion limit. Set to 0 for native. This is applied with a targeted Harmony PostFix that should be compatible with other mods that affect this value.
- bonus_companion_slots_per_clan_tier, the number of extra companion slots granted per clan tier. Set to 0 for native. This is applied with a targeted Harmony PostFix that should be compatible with other mods that affect this value.
- Inside ModuleData/ds_item_modifiers.xml you are able to adjust the modifiers applied to the equipment of newly-created companions. If you want to remove the resale temptation, then you can set the price_factor to 0, and if you want to incentivize upgrading their armour, you can add maluses to the item stats. The default is 10% of original value, with the original stats.
- outperform_percentile, the percentile of kills a unit must exceed to qualify to be nominated. Set to 0 for previous versions' behaviour (only kill thresholds)
- ai_promotion_chance: The chance of an AI lord promoting a properly-tiered unit into a companion after winning a battle. This generates heroes in AI lords' parties. If you don't have hero death, you might want to set this to zero.
- max_ai_companions_per_party: The maximum allowed number of ai-generated companions per ai-clan party.
- cull_ai_companions_on_defeat: Kill ai-generated companions after their party is defeated/disbanded? This should be set to "true", if you are generating ai companions, as the AI lords will not gather them back up.
- companion_extra_lethality: Extra chance for a hero with the "Wanderer" occupation (not Nobles, or other characters important to the game) to die when they are wounded. If you set the AI lords' promotion chance higher, you'll want to set this higher, to prevent too many random heroes from being created.
- number_of_skill_bonuses: Number of skill bonuses for players to choose for newly-created heroes.
1. Скачать мод по ссылке в теме.
2. Разархивировать скачанный файл в «
Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules».
Разблокировать DLL, если это необходимо.
4. Активировать мод в лаунчере.
Комментариев 5
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