Killer Regeneration - Modmerger Kit
KILLER REGENERATION (1.1) by Windyplains
Данный набор скриптов позволяет игроку и другим юнитам восстанавливать часть жизни после убийства противника. Выходит, что и игрок, и боты получают ХП при убийстве противника. Процент восстановления жизни зависит от уровня героя и от уровня юнитов. Например, Сержант Родок после убийства может получить больше жизни, чем Ополценец родок. Процент этот варьируется. Во избежании проблем после установки через модмержер рекомендуется проверить константы модульной системы.
1) Verify that you have modmerger framework 0.2.5 (last version since Aug 2010) installed.
2) Add the health_regen_*.py files to the same directory as your module system *.py files.
3) In "" add (under the mods_active section):
"health_regen", # Killer Regeneration (1.1)
4) Follow the rest of the file specific instructions listed below. Some of these items
should already be done, but are listed to help catch conflicts.
1) Ensure that constant "wp_hr_debug" at the very bottom is set to 0. This will prevent debug
messages from showing up in game in case I missed it.
2) IF you want to enable the difficulty scaling feature set "wp_hr_factor_difficulty" to 1.
Otherwise leave it as 0.
1) Add the following global variables:
g_wp_player_hr_active # Set to 0 to prevent player regeneration. 1 to activate.
g_wp_ai_hr_active # Set to 0 to prevent AI regeneration. 1 to activate.
g_wp_difficulty # Changes whether the regeneration is better or worse.
2) Ensure that the above variables are set to 1 somewhere or they won't work. Many mods
have their own "mod options" system so that will work
OR add (assign, "$g_wp_player_hr_active", 1), and (assign, "$g_wp_ai_hr_active", 1),
to the end of the "game_start" script in "" file.
3) "g_wp_difficulty" is intended to receive a value of -1 (easy), 0 (normal), 1 (hard) or
2 (very hard). If you use a difficulty scaling variable in your mod simply replace mine
with your own and change the constant "wp_hr_factor_difficulty" to 1 to enable it. If you
do not use a difficulty setting simply add the global variable (to prevent errors) and
the constant is already set to 0 (disabled).
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